public administration, terrorist financing, cryptocurrency, digital currency, DarkNetAbstract
Modern information and computer technologies are expanding the ways of financing terrorism. It is established that the development of effective measures and means of identifying new threats requires a careful study of such schemes and methods. The aim of the study is to reveal the features of DarkNet, cryptocurrencies and their impact on national security, which will be the basis for improving public administration in the fight against terrorist financing. The article reveals the directions of using DarkNet for terrorist purposes. Particular attention is paid to the financing of terrorism through DarkNet using cryptocurrency as a means of payment. Cryptocurrency and its benefits are described in two ways - as a modern means of payment (no commission for transfers between countries; limited issue; availability at any time) and as a tool for money laundering, a source of terrorist financing (lack of regulation; anonymity; insufficient security). storage, the complexity of transmission management). Given the above advantages and their impact on the economy, the state determines the status of cryptocurrency in its territory. Examples of the use of cryptocurrency in the world to finance terrorism are given. It is established that Ukraine, as a world leader in the use of digital currency, needs a clear consolidation of its legal status and the establishment of restrictive legal norms to combat adverse events. This will regulate its use in economic activities and create conditions for law enforcement agencies to combat the involvement of digital currencies in criminal activities. There is an urgent need to develop new methods and measures to track and analyze the use of DarkNet by terrorists. Some activities need to be related to finding software that will improve the cataloging of deep websites.
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