
  • К. Krol KROK University



project, project management, agro-industrial projects, stakeholders’ management, mentality, models of stakeholders’ management, model of the stakeholders’ mental space


Agriculture is an extremely important sector of the world economy. Project approach to the agriculture will help to increase the production of horticulture and animal husbandry products, both in Ukraine and around the world. Success of agro-industrial complex projects depends on many factors, one of which is responsible relationship between project manager and stakeholders. However, we should not forget about the ability of the project manager to build a project team, which will work to achieve project goals. The effectiveness of project management depends on interaction between all project stakeholders, project manager / project team and the environment. Given that, all stakeholders are important, problems with any of them can lead to significant risks and even to the closure of the project. In the case, when the project stakeholders do not share a common culture and have a significant differences in their mentality, project management should adapt organizational and work processes. Differences in the mentality and culture of project stakeholders can be an obstacle to effective and rational communication and interaction between project stakeholders. The purpose of this work is to develop a flexible, systematic, relevant to today's requirements, methodological tools for managing stakeholders of agro-industrial projects, taking into account their mentality. Losses derived from the risks associated with the stakeholders in agro-industrial projects may be very significant in both economic and social meanings. To improve the communication efficiency, reduce conflict resolution period, reduce the likelihood of risks, and increase the potential for receiving the additional benefits in the form of additional profits or shortening project implementation period, the author proposes to pay attention to the mentality of each stakeholder, when conducting the project stakeholder identification. Author have analyzed works of national and foreign scientists and researchers in the sphere of stakeholders’ management in agro-industrial complex and found out that this sphere is insufficiently researched, but the scientists’ researches may become a perfect basis for the development of new models and methods. The model of the stakeholders’ mental space in agro-industrial projects is developed. It is shown common and difference in mentality of each stakeholder. The elaborated model will be useful for project team and will help them to achieve the right steps from each of the stakeholders, as well as understand their expectations from the project.


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Author Biography

К. Krol, KROK University

postgraduate student


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Chapter 7. Entrepreneuship, trade and stock exchanges