
  • V. Dmytrenko Cherkasy institute of fire Protection and nameless heroes of Chornobil



strategic analysis, enterprises of construction industry, development, strategy, economic security, threats


In an unstable economic environment, the need for strategic analysis and implementation of changes is relevant for the enterprise of any industry, including construction. Managing strategic changes in the innovative development of the enterprise allows you to succeed in the market. The author examines the works of foreign and domestic scientists who studied the issues of strategic analysis in the study of enterprises of different sectors of the economy, which allowed to systematize the main approaches to strategic changes in enterprise development. The purpose of the study was to use strategic analysis to study trends in the construction industry in Ukraine. The research will use methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis, statistical methods and SWOT-analysis, which allowed to achieve this goal. Strategic analysis of the construction industry provided for the study of general trends in GDP dynamics, the dynamics of the number of such enterprises and their employees, as well as the volume of output. The analysis shows a gradual growth of GDP during 2016-2018 and a slight decrease in 2019. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we expect an even greater decline in GDP in 2020, which will also have a negative impact on the development of construction companies. There is a significant reduction in the number of enterprises in the construction industry, caused by various economic, political and other factors. Reducing the dynamics of the construction industry is also an integral indicator of the reduction in the number of employees, which has a negative impact on the state of economic security of both the industry and the country as a whole. According to the results, a SWOT-analysis was conducted, which allowed to establish the prospects for its development of construction companies.


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Author Biography

V. Dmytrenko, Cherkasy institute of fire Protection and nameless heroes of Chornobil

Ph.D. (Еconomics), professor


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How to Cite

Dmytrenko, V. (2020). STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 199–206.



Chapter 7. Entrepreneuship, trade and stock exchanges