
  • V. Matat KROK University




conflict of interests, corporate conflict, corporate governance, mediation, alternative dispute resolution


Conflict is an integral part of any organization. Timely diagnosis and prediction allows you to use the conflict to avoid losses and achieve a positive effect. In this regard, the need to form an effective mechanism for resolving corporate conflicts becomes especially important. This issue is relevant in both the Ukrainian and world economies. Today, corporations are encouraged to use alternative means of resolving disputes not only on issues that have traditionally been considered in court, but also to resolve the ever-increasing range of conflicts between the corporation and other businesses, individuals and government agencies. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the importance of using mediation as a means of communication for the development of corporate conflict management system. Achieving this goal requires identifying the main internal problems of communication in the organization and finding ways to use mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution and the formation of a culture of nonviolent communication in the organization. The high cost of litigation has prompted corporations to use mediation in dispute resolution policy. This trend and the widespread need to disseminate information on alternative ways of resolving corporate disputes have led to a study, the results of which are presented in this article. Mediation meets the interests and needs of participants in corporate relations, as it allows to resolve differences on a mutually beneficial basis. The mediation procedure is considered in the context of one of the possible ways to resolve corporate conflicts and as an auxiliary mechanism in the formation of effective corporate policy. According to the title, the article describes ways to implement mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution in the corporate governance system. Features of corporate conflicts and conflicts of interest that have a negative impact on productivity in the organization are considered. Methods of applying the mediation procedure at different stages of team cohesion are shown. This article is of interest to researchers who seek to justify the need to form a philosophy of nonviolent communication in order to create highly effective project teams. The article argues the need for further general theoretical and applied research in this area.


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Author Biography

V. Matat, KROK University

undergraduate, manager of projects and programs in the field of tangible (intangible) production (corporative management


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How to Cite

Matat, V. (2020). POSSIBILITIES OF APPLICATION OF MEDIATION IN THE CORPORATE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 134–142. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2020-59-134-142



Chapter 6. Management and marketing