
  • Т. Shestakovskа National University "Chernihiv Polytechnic"
  • Т. Yarovoi Private higher educational institution "Higher educational institution"“Interregional academy of personnel management "



intellectual capital, management, state policy, innovative development, education, employment


The article substantiates the expediency and formalizes the content of improving the management of intellectual capital in Ukraine and the world. Based on the analysis of the world experience of the world, we have systematized the most important effective practices that are effective in terms of management and development of intellectual capital. Such experience was grouped in accordance with the main components of intellectual capital (structural, client and human capital) with strategic objectives for their implementation in Ukraine. Given the positive aspects of foreign experience in intellectual capital management, it is advisable to adapt the best examples taking into account the specific properties and conditions of the socio-economic system of Ukraine. In the direction of development of the presented components of intellectual capital we proposed the use of the following world experience: client capital (development of the national brand of Ukraine, by building a national identity, sustainable development of culture and tourism); structural capital (diversification of methods for stimulating innovation and investment activities and measures for the management of intangible assets); human capital (effective employment policy and dissemination of dual education). Thus, the use of world experience requires a clear balance and correctness, which must be adapted to the socio-economic conditions and mentality of Ukraine. Recommendations for improving the management of intellectual capital in Ukraine are proposed: for human capital (assistance in raising the salaries of specialists in the scientific field and improving the material and technical base; promoting science among young people); on structural capital (establishing a system of stimulating innovation and investment activities; increasing funding for research; establishing a relationship between the various components of the innovation system; promoting the availability of appropriate innovative products for different segments of the population); on client capital (organization of monitoring and regulation of issues of protection of intellectual property rights; formation of a favorable investment climate).


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Author Biographies

Т. Shestakovskа, National University "Chernihiv Polytechnic"

Doctor of Sciences (Public Administration), associate professor of public administration and management of organizations department

Т. Yarovoi, Private higher educational institution "Higher educational institution"“Interregional academy of personnel management "

Ph.D. (Public Administration), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of public administration department


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How to Cite

Shestakovskа Т., & Yarovoi Т. (2020). INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT OF THE COUNTRY: WORLD EXPERIENCE AND DOMESTIC REALITIES. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 89–96.



Chapter 5. Рublic management and administration