decision tree, resource management, expected monetary valuation, search for alternatives, investmentAbstract
Public development trend envisage increased attention to the development of own production. The article describes the current problems of insufficient competitiveness of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. Solving these problems is possible in the modernization of production through investment. Attraction of investments is constrained by insufficiently substantiated economic decisions. In management practice, various methods of creative search for alternative options are used. When making decisions, it is important to finding the numerical measure of each. The article summarizes the practical experience of applying probabilistic approaches to reducing the uncertainty of results when managing an enterprise. This determines the relevance of our research. In the process of managing the resource potential of the enterprise it is supposed the use of decision support methods to find a more economically viable solution to the problem with mathematical simplicity. The main purpose of the research is to apply the method of constructing a "decision tree" in assessing the economic effect of resource potential management, namely the adopting of managerial strategy on the introduction of production modernization. On the basis of generalization of scientific concepts, the practical application of the method of constructing a decision tree in an industrial enterprise in carrying out the modernization of production is proposed. The decision tree is built in the article when implementing upgrades enterprise and the expected monetary valuation of the options is considered. Using the technique of building a decision tree, estimated expected revenue, taking into account the costs of development and modernization implementation, which helped to increase the efficiency of resource potential management. Such information is valuable for the management of industrial enterprises, and the results of the study can be used in investment activities.
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