


education, security, national security, educational security, threat


Education is a determining factor in the formation of the intellectual potential of the individual, the stimulus of economic growth of the country, the welfare of the population and the prestige of the country on the world scene, which undoubtedly affects the national security of the country. Education should be seen as a weapon to strengthen national security, because the build-up of military capabilities can no longer guarantee the security of the country. At a time when countries capture as a result of hybrid wars or economic methods, only a conscious, economically active, competitive population can create credible protection for the country, and qualitative education is needed for its formation. Issues of the essence and relevance of educational security to strengthen national security are in sight of both domestic and foreign scientists. However, the essence of educational security, its threats and the degree of influence on national security is not fully understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study the availability and nature of the relationship of education of the population and the level of national security of the country and its components. The study analyzed the importance of education for strengthening the national security of the country as a whole and its functional components: political, economic, social, ecological, demographic, informational, spiritual, military. Evaluated threats that exist in the educational sphere and suggested ways to overcome them. The level and dynamics of educational security of Ukraine are analyzed, and with the help of statistical methods the link between educational and national security of the country has been established. It is confirmed that raising the level and quality of education increases the production of GDP per capita, decreases crime rate, etc. Thus, the next step should be to develop a state policy and develop measures to improve the quality of education.


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Author Biographies

Ж. Б. Живко, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

doctor of economic science , professor , рrofessor of the management department

Л. В. Кухарська, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs



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How to Cite

Живко, Ж. Б., & Кухарська, Л. В. (2019). EDUCATION IN THE SYSTEM OF NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE COUNTRY. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (54), 205–211.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities