



financial and economic security, national security, information technology, investments, risk, investment planning


An important area of information technologies usage is providing analytical information on the consequences of regulatory influence in the system of financial and economic security. In market, the developed information and analytical infrastructure provides the reasonableness and adequacy of economic policy, while its absence creates threats to the country's financial and economic security. Significant predicted development of investment in the development of the information and analytical framework for financial and economic security determines the task of evaluating their effectiveness. In order to evaluate the investments in the system of information and analytical support for financial and economic security, it is necessary to develop appropriate qualitative evaluation tools, what determines the practical significance of this study results. At the same time, it is necessary to develop scientific base for the development of evaluation tools for efficiency of investments in informat-ion and analytical systems, what determines the theoretical significance of this study. Despite significant results in this research area, which are more related to the organizational and technical issues of the information technologies, the issue of scientific framework of evaluation of the effectiveness of financial and economic security system by investing in its information and analytical support is not sufficiently studied, which has made the expediency of studying this issue. The approach to evaluating the investments in the development of information and analytical support for financial and economic security provides an assessment of investment risk in the form of amount of risks inherent in a particular information and analytical system and financial and economic security system, taking into account the exogenous, endogenous factors, and also certain conditions of these systems. The proposed scientific approach has provided the ability to integrate investment planning and measures to form a system of information and analytical support for financial and economic security, that allows applying a combined approach to security management and financing measures to strengthen it.


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Author Biography

М. А. Слатвінський, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

candidate of sciences (economics), associate professor, head of the department of finance, accounting and economic security


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How to Cite

Слатвінський, М. А. (2019). EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENTS IN THE INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT FOR FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (53), 181–188. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2019-53-181-188



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities