How to make on the job learning work. Reflections on theory and suggestions for practice
a path to change, innovations in the field of development, practical experience of revealing talent, advice to managers, advice to personnel management specialists, effective training at work, recent trends in the field of HR, development of managerial and leadership talentAbstract
The shortage of the qualified professionals in Ukraine is becoming a widely discussed issue (Pavlushenko, 2018; personal communications with clients). Subsequently, the topic of effective development of the managerial and leadership talent has grown in importance. Recent HR trends demonstrate a noticeable shift of focus from formal to informal talent development [1]. One of the reasons stated is the widely popular 70-20-10 rule for development investment. This article aims to consider two concerns: the robustness and applicability of the 70-20-10 rule and the quality of the informal development initiatives. I will first briefly discuss the definition and history of the 70-20-10 rule and then discuss potential theoretical and practical approaches of effective informal learning on the job. This article is intended as an opening of a debate between scholars and practitioners on effective ways to develop talent. The material and conclusions discussed here may be a useful introduction to this topic for both non-HR managers and development professionals.
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