motivation, management staff, hospital, salary, allowances, surcharges, efficiency of medical servicesAbstract
The article provides the results of the assessment of the motivation of the management staff of the non-profit municipal enterprise "Kharkiv City Hospital No. 27" of the Kharkiv City Council. The aim of the article is to study the state of motivation of the staff of domestic municipal non-profit institutions of the second and third levels of medical care. It is noted that at this time motivational factors do not correspond to the complexity of the work performed by doctors and do not provide sufficient incentives for the performance of professional duties. And this mainly affects the quality and timeliness of providing proper medical care to the population. It was established that even at present, old approaches to stimulating the work of personnel, in particular chief doctors and their deputies, heads of departments, were poured into domestic medical institutions belonging to the communal property of departments. The purpose of the article is to study the state of motivation of the staff of domestic municipal non-profit institutions of the second and third levels of medical care. As a result of the analysis of the motivation of the heads of the middle and higher levels of management of the communal non-profit enterprise "Kharkiv City Hospital No. 27" of the Kharkiv City Council, it was established that the official salaries of the heads of departments of the hospital are not enough to ensure an adequate level of quality of life and attitude to work. Established surcharges and allowances to the main salary do not correspond to the complexity of the work performed by administrative and managerial personnel (deputy chief doctor). Given the responsibility and complexity of the functions performed, it is recommended to improve the quality of patient care for local and state authorities to find opportunities to increase monetary rewards for the work of medical workers through the creation of additional premium funds.
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